Health Benefits of Cycling : Cycling is a popular form of exercise, providing many health advantages. From improved heart health to greater muscle strength, cycling can benefit your physical wellbeing; but its mental and emotional benefits may go further still; studies have demonstrated how cycling has an important and therapeutic effect on our well-being; from stress reduction and mood enhancement, helping fight depression or anxiety, or just plain keeping fit!
1) Great Way To Lose Weight
Cycling is an incredibly natural form of physical activity, making it suitable for almost everyone. Cycling offers low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise which increases heart rate without being overly strenuous; many find cycling an excellent way to both lose weight and enhance their health and well-being.
This is because exercise promotes muscle growth, boosts metabolism, and increases endorphin production – these chemicals contribute to our ‘happy feeling’ when present in our bodies.
2) Mental And Emotional Benefits
Cycling offers both physical and psychological advantages; from boosting mood, alleviating stress, providing relief from anxiety or depression and more. Cycling has been proven to have therapeutic effects on our minds.
Studies have demonstrated the positive effect that stimulating the central nervous system has on mental health. Stimulation produces neurotransmitter serotonin which plays a vital role in mood, sleep and appetite regulation.
3) Cycling Reduce Stress
Cycling Reduce Stress Cycling is an increasingly popular way to relieve stress and anxiety. Considered an exercise of mindfulness, cycling allows one to stay present by forcing one’s thoughts into the present moment rather than wandering off in thoughtless pursuit. When cycling is used as an effective stress reduction technique, one is encouraged to focus on staying in the present rather than dwelling on thoughts which run away with them.
Being fully present when cycling can be tricky. If your thoughts wander too much, it can become hard to stay safe while cycling. By paying attention to breathing rhythm and pedal feel, and maintaining full concentration on what’s happening right now – staying safe while cycling will become much simpler.
4) Cycling Improve Mood
Exercise has long been recognized as an effective treatment, alongside medication, to combat symptoms of depression. While consulting your physician is still essential, regular physical activity such as cycling may help alleviate some symptoms by stimulating certain chemicals like endorphins and serotonin release from within your body.
These chemicals help promote feelings of happiness and joy, and have been linked with reduced symptoms of depression. Many experts suggest that exercise combined with medication is the most effective approach to treating depression.
5) Cycling Helps To Deal Depression And Anxiety
Cycling can be an excellent therapy for depression and anxiety alike. Anxiety is defined as feelings of intense fear or nervousness which interfere with daily activities and cause significant distress, interfering with our ability to function properly and hindering daily tasks.
An estimated one in five people will experience anxiety at some point in their lifetime, making it a prevalent mental health condition. Cycling may not be a panacea for anxiety but can serve as an effective therapy to manage this condition.
6) Cycling Helps To Improve Cognitive Function
Cycling has been proven to have a positive impact on cognitive function. This is likely because cycling stimulates the central nervous system and increases blood flow to the brain, as well as release endorphins during exercise which have antidepressant qualities.
Body cells produce natural analogues to morphine called endorphins that have many health benefits, including protecting and improving cognitive function. Many believe regular physical exercise can help delay cognitive decline as we age – although studies are ongoing.
7) Better Sleep
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Exercise has long been linked with improved sleep and reduced insomnia, likely because it helps the body relax and unwind before bedtime. Exercise also regulates our circadian rhythm – the 24-hour cycle that controls many biological processes including sleep.